Sorry it took me so long to post about Leyla's surgery. As far as we know right now it went really well. When Dr. DeBecker got in to look at Leyla's eyes she found that the inside muscles were REALLY tight and ended up just weakening those instead of doing the whole move the top and bottom muscles to the outside of eye procedure, whew! I'll be honest, I was pretty happy about that. The thought of peeling the muscles away from the whites of her eyes and moving them just made my stomach turn. Anyway, Leyla did great. All throughout the morning we had visitors in the waiting room, multiple nurses, all of the doctors, etc. commenting on how happy and smiley she was and how content she was...she is! We were so blessed to have the happiest baby around! When the nurse came to get me after Leyla woke up she said, "we took the breathing tube out and she was smiling immediately!" That's totally Leyla!
So, in addition to the surgery, Dr. DeBecker performed an electroretinogram, which I've talked about before, this was to test the functionality of her retinas and that looked great! The MRI came back consistent with the one that she had back in June and then they took her blood to send off to have the genetic testing done.
Eric and I were both pretty worried about how Leyla would handle the pain after surgery and she was nothing but calm and easy going. She slept for about 12 hours Wednesday night and then napped a lot on Thursday. She did great! I've posted some photos below so that you can see the progression of her healing already in just 5 days!
Hanging with Daddy in Pre-Op
She looked a little goofy with the dots above her eyes to make sure that the doctor operated on both eyes!
Just minutes after she woke up. Not too happy. : (
The Next Morning (Thursday)
Day 2 After Surgery (Friday)
Day 3 After Surgery (Saturday)
Day 4 After Surgery (Sunday)
Day 5 After Surgery (Monday)
Another fun thing happened this weekend/ last week! Leyla learned the signs for "more" and "all done"! We love it! She may or may not actually know what she's saying but, when you tell her to do the sign she'll do it for you...well, most of the time.
That's all for now! Enjoy this week!