
Leyla's First Birthday Party

Finally, a week later, here are some pics from Leyla's first birthday party! 

{Happy Birthday Leyla!}

{Not crazy about the cake...}

{Leyla sure loved it when everyone sang Happy Birthday to You!}

{So many awesome gifts to open!}

Happy Birthday to our little peanut butter!  We love you!

{Tuckered Out!!}

Thank you to all of you who came to celebrate Leyla's first year with us!  Your gifts were so generous and we were so honored that you chose to spend your Saturday afternoon with us!!  Leyla is blessed to have so many amazing people that love her!!

Have a great weekend!


Buh Bye!

Quick post before I jet out of here to grab Leyla from daycare!

Leyla waved "Buh Bye!" for the first time last night!  Whoop whoop!  Cutest thing EVER!

She also had her 12 month well check appointment today with our awesome pediatrician, Dr. Rosenthal!  Here are the stats:
Weight - 17lbs 14oz (6th percentile)
Height - 28.25" (24th percentile)
Head - 45...mm? cm?  I don't know...either way 48th percentile

Have a great night!


A couple new photos from Leyla's first few days as a 1 year old!!


Neurologist Appointment

Yesterday we had the first visit with Leyla's neurologist, Dr. MacDonald, since she had the MRI and was diagnosed.  He did a great job of showing us what it was in the brain scan that they found that diagnosed Leyla with Joubert's Syndrome.  He seemed very optimistic about her progress just in the month that it has been since he last saw her.  He noticed that her fine motor skills seem to be developing really well, he was very pleased with how she is sitting and making sounds.  One thing that Dr. MacDonald told us when we initially saw him is that if a child sits by the age of two, they will eventually walk.  This is great news to us because Leyla is getting pretty good at sitting on her own so, that really gives us hope that at some point...only God knows when...she will walk!  So, all that said, we left the clinic yesterday feeling very encouraged about Leyla's development and progress!  Our next step is to get her into a physical therapy program!

Random Side Note:  I was veto'd on posting the 365 days of photos of Leyla so, I'm still going to take the photos...I just won't post everyday!  Although, someday this week, I will get the photos from Leyla's 1st birthday party up!  What an amazing day for her!  We had so many loved ones there to celebrate her with us!  She is one very loved little girl that is for sure!

Have a great day!


P.S.  Happy Birthday Uncle Mason!  Love, Leyla Quinn