I'm a day late but, Happy Birthday little one!
The past few months have been HUGE for Leyla! At the beginning of March she started a new daycare and it has been such a great motivator for her to be in a room with lots of other kids her age that are talking and up and moving around. It's amazing the changes that we've seen in her in the past couple of months!
Leyla is now transitioning from sitting to her belly and then will roll from there. She can bear weight on her legs for an extended period of time, she is starting to initiate the stepping movement with her legs and she is talking like crazy! Just this past week she started mimiking mulitple word phrases..."I got you", "See ya later", "good morning", and some that probably aren't the best for her to mimick but, we'll take what we can get, "holy crap" and "dang it" are the two that she picked up last week! Oops! :)
It's amazing for me to think that a year ago our little peanut was hardly able to sit on her own for more than a few seconds, she was no where near bearing weight and the only word she had was "ba"! She has come so far in just 365 days, I can hardly wait to see where this next year brigns her!
Thank you to everyone that has been so supportive of Leyla and our family! It means more than you'll ever know to have people in our lives that may not understand Leyla but that love her just the way she is!