
A Year In The Life...

As Leyla's 1st birthday approaches, I keep reminding her how old she is (Monday she was 360 days old...today 363 days old, etc.) and each time I say that to her I wish I could vividly remember each and every day of her first year!

In the last couple weeks as I've come to the realization that my baby is going to be 1 year old (duh! I know), I think about all of the..."I wish I would haves" and the "Why didn't I's."  The two on the top of my list are; make a blog (check), and take a picture of Leyla every single day even if it's just a quick one on my phone!  So, that's my next mission!  For Leyla's second year, I plan to take a picture of Leyla every single day of her second year, no matter what is going on in our lives or how busy we are.  With today's technology we can snap pictures so easily anywhere there really is no excuse not to!  I wonder if when Leyla is an adult she'll say, "Thanks mom, that's really cool that you took pictures of me every day of my SECOND year but, what about my first year?"  Let's hope not! 

Beginning July 17, 2010, I'll be posting (in addition to my normal posts) one photo of Leyla each day (A year in the life of Leyla Quinn) whether she's having a good hair day or not!  Since I didn't do this for the past year here is a year in the life of Leyla Quinn...month by month style!  EDITED: Sorry the backgrounds weren't lining up correctly and it's driving me crazy!  So, no more year in the life photos!

Have a great day! 

1 comment:

  1. Jenny, I love to read all about your little girl...Leyla has such a dedicated Mom.
    Your are taking on a great task of a picture of her everyday! I will check this out each day
    can't wait to see all pictures. Auntie Jill
